Placemaker3 lets you build the city of your dreams

Place-Maker imports high-resolution aerial imagery from Map-Box, which collects aerial photos, remote sensing data, and geographic information.

Open Street Map data and Digital Globe data are imported into Place-Maker. It is a global data source. Even remote areas or those under development have aerials and roads in high resolution. Many large to medium-sized cities and even smaller towns have 3D buildings available for them.

About Placemaker3

Creating site context is a waste of your project budget. Site models are automatically created by Placemaker3 with a mouse click.

Place-Maker is a plug-in for SketchUp that imports high-resolution aerials, buildings, streets, trees, and even bodies of water. Buildings can also be textured with the Google Street View texture. You will save hours of work by creating your city from around the world in an instant. Users of Map-box aerials pay a monthly fee to the Place-Maker team.

Features of Placemaker3

• High-resolution aerial imagery may be imported from Map-box, Hexagon, and Near-map.
• Powered by Cesium ION: Import Terrain.

• Bring in 3D Open-Street-Map road, path, water, rail, and 3D building models.
• The terrain can be customized with images, roads, paths, buildings, and water.
• Google Street View will allow you to explore your model.

To learn more, watch the following video tutorial.

Video Source: mind.sight.studios

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Placemaker3 lets you build the city of your dreams